品牌: 拓荒牛
优惠价格: 请电询TEL:18613142803
:电脑裁皮机 应用于真皮切割、人造革切割的生产,代替传统的手工切割,自动避开瑕疵,极大的提高真皮 的利用率,缩短相应的研发时间及提高生产效率,超高频振动刀切割技术,杜绝了人工划切的不规范、冲 压机精度限制...
▲ 超高频振动刀切割技术,杜绝了人工划切的不规范、冲压机精度限制、激光切割机烧焦/异味等弊端;
▲ 便捷输出、高速切割/压痕、快速成型;
▲ 免刀模,节省人力物力;
▲ 数据化,提升企业生产管理。
电脑裁皮机皮革切割机功能特点|Functions and special feature
● 行业首款三冲头机器,可一次同时处理三种规格孔型,更大限度满足设计师的个性化设计。
● The first unique Design in the Industry-- Triple Punch unit—which can simultaneously handle three punch hole specifications to give more flexibility for designer to make out their own design.
● 瑞士进口高速伺服电机,可达25000转/分钟,完美展现机器高速切割性能。
● Imported Swiss high speed servo motor, up to 25000rpm,to achieve high speed and perfect cutting ability.
● 高分辨率短焦直射式投影,1:1图案输出,使工作流程更清晰直观。
● high resolution short focus top projector,1:1 Graphic output, make the workflow more easy and clear. The more clear and intuitive workflow.
● 独立防震式设计投影架,规避生产过程中机器对投影的影响,使投影更稳定。
● Independ suspension design for projector stand to avoid vibration, it enable projection more stable and clear.
● 个性化交互式工作功能,使排版、切割、收料同时进行,最大限度提高设备工作效率。
● Personalized interactive function, to make better layout, cutting, rewinding at the same time, maximize efficiency of equipment.
● 高度集成化多功能机头,可同时完成切割、冲孔、绘图、打标工序。
● Highly integrated multi-function head can work simultaneously cutting, punching, drawing and marking processes.
● 整机采用德国进口数据线,性能更稳定。
● all data cable are Germany imported, to make stability data transmission.
● 最稳定的以太网口数据传输,避免了数据错乱,静电影响等问题。
● Ethernet port is used to avoid data loss, noise and electrostatic effects to ensure stable data transmission.
● 专业团队独立自主研发的自动排版切割系统,最大化满足真皮、PU的自动排版切割需求,高效提高皮料 利用率,同时免除软件升级的后顾之忧。
● Automation layout system was developed by our in-house professional team, to meet the industry demand: auto layout for PU and genuine leather cutting, increase efficiency, reduce wastage. The team make immediate response to future upgrade and demand from customers.
● 支持国际通用DXF、HPGL格式,避免不同软件之间的兼容性问题,让工作流程更简化。
● support international common use format like :DXF、HPGL,to avoid compatibility problem to workflow more easy.
New Bull Auto- computerized leather cutting machine specification